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#117 | Culture and Curiosity

Jasmine Martirossian is Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and Chief People Officer (CPO) of Mercury, a company simplifying time- and temperature-sensitive shipping for healthcare and life sciences companies. She speaks seven languages and has lived in as many countries, helping a host of well-known companies expand globally along the way. Jasmine shares her wisdom with us on this episode of The Global Marketing Show.

“Bottom line: stay curious.” Jasmine credits her natural ability to stay curious as the reason that she’s had so much success in global marketing. She describes two situations defused by “not staying beholden to the tyranny of war” and instead by looking for alternative solutions to help teams work together.

In China, she felt pushback by one team on developing a new website, so she could not move the project forward. Instead of forcing the issue and demanding compliance, Jasmine stayed curious and learned that the team thought it was just another “flavor of the month” project and didn’t want to engage. Plus, they had connectivity issues.

She understood the culture enough to build consensus, using her connections to find the team a place to work with reliable Wi-Fi. Even though she had been there only two days, Jasmine knew how important “connections” are in China. By taking the time to stay curious and communicate in an appropriate way, she crossed the cultural chasm and got the project done.

In another position, Jasmine was headed to France to meet with a team on a marketing project. She felt resistance from the French team about including a US colleague in the meeting, someone they considered “obstructive.” Again, instead of forcing the issue and demanding compliance, she suggested the co-worker come to France and join them for dinner. She understood the importance of meals to the French who said of course, they couldn’t refuse to “break bread” with another. Problem solved by using cultural empathy and understanding to meet the needs of all participants.

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Wendy: Welcome listeners to another episode of The Global Marketing Show. I am grinning ear to ear because today's guest just said, once you've worked with global marketers, you don't wanna go back. And that is certainly the case. First I wanna remind you that The Global Marketing Show podcast is brought to you by Rapport International who connects you to anyone anywhere in the world across [00:01:00] 200 different languages. They have a specialty in global marketing because once you do global marketing, you never go back. So tidbit. Rapport International Tidbit. Let's talk about summer since we're headed into summer now in the Northern Hemisphere. Did you know that the summer temperatures in Paris can reach as high as 40 degrees Celsius or a hundred degrees Fahrenheit, and that makes the Eiffel Tower grow and tilt?

The heat and sun expand the metal causing the tower to grow up to six inches taller and tilt away from the sun up to seven inches. I had no idea about that. Maybe a, maybe an engineer would've known, but I didn't. So that's, if you want the tallest view from the Eiffel Tower go during the summer. All right, so another question for you.

What do you get when you have a marketing specialist and an HR specialist lumped into one position? You get a very [00:02:00] accomplished woman named Jasmine Martirossian. She's the Chief Marketing and the Chief HR Officer at Mercury.com which we're going to learn more about, it's fascinating. And she has a PhD in Law Policy and Society program and a Master's in International Relations from Northeastern University, and she's worked for a number of well-known companies in senior positions.

So welcome Jasmine.

Jasmine: Thank you, Wendy. It's a pleasure being on your show. A minor correction. Our website is ShipMercury.com.

Wendy: Okay. I had the mercury.com. I didn't realize it had the ship in front of it, but your company name is Mercury.

Jasmine: Mercury, right? We're Mercury Business Services, the full name, but we're also Mercury Inc. So we have both names. We specialize in time and temperature shipping. And focus on the life sciences, biotech, uh, healthcare industries. Those are the, there's a [00:03:00] life behind every shipment we make. So we might be shipping possibly body parts or a drug that's going for FDA approval or a drug that has to be tested, say in Switzerland after four or five, 10 years of research.

And it could be a very. A unique, expensive specimen that may hold the, you know, clue to curing thousands of lives and reading them of disease. So everything we do is very mission critical for the organizations that work with us. So in our website is ship mercury.com.

Wendy: Okay, so ship mercury.com. So that's really interesting.

So you said body parts, so of course I have to go back to that. It's probably just not an arm or a leg. Talk to me more about body parts and why you'd handle something like that. For instance, knee

Jasmine: replacements. There are very special knee replacements that have to be in extremely clean environments and can be open only at [00:04:00] some point.

So they're not exposed to air any cor and they need to arrive at a hospital right before surgery. And there is even a famous case where our C E O Josh Meadow, Had to race to an airport late at 9:00 PM because we knew a flight that a new replacement was on was canceled, and that needed to get to the hospital the next morning.

And as he personally went and to get off of the airline and. Put it on another airline that would actually make the flight and to, because imagine all the disruptions in people's lives if that surgery would not go ahead for that person, their family, the surgeons, the whole medical teams, it, there are a lot of lives are touched by any of the shipments that we have.

It could be some critical tests. Or somebody finds out if they have a disease or not. So it's very time and temperature sensitive and ensuring that [00:05:00] those items stay within the right temperature environment and make it there to the destination intact is extremely important. So we specialize it and we simplified the complexity of shipping for all those people.

So tell me more

Wendy: about, How you got started. It seems like on a lot of this stuff you'd have to go international from the start. If you're talking life sciences, did you start local or did you start

Jasmine: global? So our organization's turning 40 next year, and it started, I would say, pretty US-centric because initially the idea was to ship legal documents.

And make sure that the law firms could have their documents delivered to the courthouse or for deposition. In a very timely manner. So that's how it started. But we pivoted towards life sciences. In the early two thousands. As you know, [00:06:00] signatures became digital, like DocuSign and other things. So our, uh, company was able to really reinvent itself.

It's because we really stay very focused too. Make sure that we're responding to client needs in the most relevant way. So it's a great example of a business pivoting to where the real need is. And we started noticing more of the need for life sciences and. There you have a lot of people who are, have PhDs who have nothing to do with shipping but they're very concerned about the outcome of that shipping, right?

So could, could be research scientists, could be a whole number of people who are not even set up for proper shipping purposes. And that's where we come in and really simplified that complexity. That's fascinating

Wendy: me. They made a pivot from documents to life sciences products, things rather than paper because of what they read in the marketplace.

That's a really interesting pivot. They knew their core competencies.

Jasmine: I [00:07:00] mean, Sony Corporation was started manufacturing green beans, soup and then heated blankets. But now we think of Sonia. Something entirely different. Smaller electronics products, right?

Wendy: So, right. Yeah. So it really is the core competencies of knowing what, that you're a manufacturer and you can do these things versus yours was logistics.

Jasmine: Yeah. And the same things apply to any organization. When to pivot. How to pivot. And very few do it really well, you know? New England ice manufacturers for, for instance, none of them ever embraced refrigeration, even though the new technology came on the market and they all went bust. So we pride ourselves on being a company who is, you know, through our values of client obsession, relentless improvement, and world-class teamwork.

We pride ourselves on really living those values, so that allows us to be better [00:08:00] connected to what the client needs are. And so hence we can pivot more effectively. Okay, so the big

Wendy: competitors out there are FedEx, u P s and d h l in the, in international arena. Do they, can they handle things like

Jasmine: this? Shipments that are temperature sensitive, for instance they need to have dry eyes within packaging it's cold chain, right, to ensure that they are protected and they keep a certain temperature and dry eye sublimates. At a certain percentage point over time.

So for instance, if your shipment goes from Boston to Zurich and sits in customs for a day or two you will need somebody to go replenish that. Otherwise the temperature will suffer dry, ice will be gone. And you know, the products purpose will be lost because it might be damaged. A and FedEx, for [00:09:00] instance, will not replenish your dry ice.

Whereas our organization, through its very vast engaged network, make sure that dry ice will be replenished and we can do that because it's a more boutique. Focused approach and we specialize in life sciences and that industry absolutely needs it.

Wendy: That's interesting. So yeah, you're, you, you've got a real value add to really pamper the product through.

What other kind of value added services do you do to make sure the shipments get through how they're supposed to?

Jasmine: We'll ensure that people start out with the right packaging to begin with. We can also do custom pickups and custom delivery, which the larger companies will just not do. They, they will, they will give you a very broad window, a wide window and say, we'll come between this and that time, whereas we can time it to 30 minutes if you need.

And usually our clients have very[00:10:00] sensitive schedules. Because something will be ready at an X point in time to be on that journey. It's, it's not like paperwork, right? Or it's not something that's static. It's things that are time and temperature sensitive. We'll make sure that immigration like customs work is done.

Well, in essence, you're immigrating a product to another country, right? So well immigration's about people, but this is custom. So product clearance through customs, it's really important. And we'll have our agents who will represent and handle all that paperwork. We'll make sure that the shippers have already the right paperwork in place because products getting kind of detained at customs is a major problem.

So. And that's a worldwide issue. Yes. So we'll guide them through those steps of complexity of doing international business from point A to com Z as needed.

Wendy: [00:11:00] Okay, and then you'll replenish dry ice or do special delivery so you know exactly where everything is at every moment, not within the

Jasmine: day or hour.

We can, we can implant G Ps trackers into shipments. We can have te and the G P S tracker will tell you exactly where within the gigantic facility your product is at any time or every step of the journey. We can put something called temp tales, which tells you what average temperature has been maintained throughout the process.

Imagine you are sending something from a lab to another lab, and you need to make sure that those items have retained a temperature. It gives you a sense of assurance that this need has been met. Yeah, I was at a trade

Wendy: show a, actually it was the seafood trade show, the international one in Boston. And there was somebody there with those little temperature things that were very, you know, they were like a buck a piece, but to save a whole load to know that it's safe, they were really, really, uh, [00:12:00] interesting.

It was the first time I had heard of that, so that makes sense that you would do that. Okay, so let's get into global marketing. You're head of marketing for this company. You're targeting life sciences now, not just lawyers in the United States. How do you even think about that for something like this?

Jasmine: Well, you have to embrace the complexity and try to simplify it. As with anything, and frankly throughout my career, I'm used to it. You have to understand your audience. I mean, any marketing effort starts with your audience, and if your audience is international, you have to also think across international lines what's resonating with your audience and what their needs are.

It's. In essence the same. Any international rules will apply to us in the sense of both personalization, understanding their needs, speaking their language, appealing in a way that resonates for them rather than making it about us, but coming with solutions to their complex [00:13:00] issues and situations. A lot of marketing, many marketers may not even notice this even today, which is very strange to me.

It is all like chest thumping. Me, me, me. We do this, we do that. But like who cares? Why does it matter? What value do you bring and what problems do you resolve and solve? And what's the thought leadership? How are you really helping your client base? And even if somebody's not our client, we still care if we're educating the marketplace to make better decisions.

In Mercury's case, it would be educating people who are in complex shipping situations to find solutions to their logistical challenges. We're happy to do that because it, it helps evolve society. Can you

Wendy: give an example of how you're marketing now, where the messaging would be different across countries?

Jasmine: I think you would look at the needs. You look at the culture, you look at[00:14:00] , what they're experiencing. You look at their

Wendy: dominant players. Can you bring it down to a story for me?

Jasmine: Yeah. You have to understand you have, I mean, life is about stories, right? But not every story resonates with everyone.

I mean, Hollywood is your ultimate storyteller, and. Let's, let's think about it. Stories make a lot of money. There is an entire industry around stories that's movie making. Literature is all about stories. People love stories, but not every story is for everyone. So, Right. That's why there are different genres.

So you need to think of every location, every country in ways that resonate with them. Somebody may have a very sophisticated network and we may need to find an entirely different angle there. Somebody may not have the basics and we, we will have a different angle there. So

Wendy: what I'm wondering about is, is your messaging here in the United States different than it is in one of the other countries?

[00:15:00] Do you target countries for your services or do you mostly focus on us going to other countries? Or do you international clients that might be shipping to the US or like France to China?

Jasmine: Those are great questions. We do have a lot of international clients that ship to the us. Our primary historical audience has been the US but we're branching out and growing out more.

And as we're expanding our locations, we'll actually end up doing way more, kind of local personalization. And I know that sounds like a double meaning, like as if it's local, it's personalized, but it has to be hyper-local in terms of personalization as well.

Wendy: Yes. Yes, it absolutely does.

So you've talked about With Mercury, you mostly the US and you're developing a strategy to go to other countries. And I know you've had this experience before at Intertech and [00:16:00] T U V. Can you talk to me in like one of those organizations how you will went about doing that?

Cuz that'll give us information about how you're looking at it now.

Jasmine: I can give you great examples from Intertech and actually ptc. Both companies were trying to be, and this is a challenge for most organizations when you're global, usually the headquarters gets somewhat preferential treatment. And the other territories do not get the same treatment, but the same results.

Cell results are expected of everyone. So when it comes to international marketing, it's important to make sure that all your locations, all your geographies, have the same types of resources extended to them. But then again, you have to also customize to their needs. So I'll use both examples of Intertech and PTC where there were similar challenges and that Intertech wanted to.

It is, it had run through acquisitions very rapidly [00:17:00] and it had, at the time, seven main divisions each had their own website. Sometimes there was duplication and you wouldn't get a sense of commonality of the company. So we first resolved the English language issue. Now it was a company that's headquartered in London, uk, but most of the marketing was done out of the United States.

So once we consolidated the website and had a single English language website, which. The background was managed by different teams, but out on the outside, it was a very seamless experience for the client, and it's a great website that's very successful to this day. We then had to launch country websites.

Now the resources and the specializations of the countries were very different. So what we did is we took the core of the English language content and we actually recreated the structure. Similarly for each of the country. But then we went into each country and worked with them to customize to their needs, to [00:18:00] their strengths, to have some core offerings that were consistent across the board on all language sides, but then to also go really deep into the areas of their strength, and that made absolutely perfect sense and helped each geography grow to their strengths, right?

It's about working from strengths. Whereas a lot of the time companies have those messy websites where there is the English version and everything is just an auto translated either into the language of the country, or you'll go into, say, a French language site, but then some pages still appear in English.

So that is not a very helpful setup for the users, a for the user experience and for the local country. In effect, it actually makes it appear how deficient services could be in certain countries, whereas the solution we found, you know, it, it's, it's a less orthodox solution, but it actually positions each country for strength.

Same is true of what we did [00:19:00] for P T C.

Wendy: Okay, so talk about, so you went through that same process for P T C.

Jasmine: P T C was an interesting experience. They had taken four years to build a site in like 12 languages that was not delivering the results, and the site had to be frozen for two weeks at a time to the these massive translations, which were not really panning out.

Again, we. Step back from it, came out with a different approach, created a major English language side, and then created smaller countryside to make sure that each country was invested in what they were doing and that it would best reflect the strengths within that country with the services that they were

Wendy: providing.

That is so interesting to me cuz you have two examples from two different companies about how they got to their messy website or what they were trying to accomplish. But you clean it up, get a strong website, and then build the other, the other countries [00:20:00] out. And we call that At Rapport International microsite.

So you've got your main site, but then you can develop microsites to focus in on 'em. So that's a, that's a really good way to do that. Another way that I've seen is, is that you just do a landing page, so at least everything is comprehensive and you take somebody through the buyer's. So the landing, yeah.


Jasmine: the landing page, again, kind of telegraphs the message that, oh, this is like a secondary or tertiary country for us, or location. So if businesses really want to grow in those countries, they have to put up a front. And let's face it a, A website today is a storefront that says, we actually mean to be in this country.

We mean business, and we value this country as a primary. Area of concern for us rather than this is a secondary, tertiary offering. And this. Refers to a lot of American companies too. I mean, we all think, oh, everybody speaks English, but it's not sufficient enough. Because [00:21:00] even in a country like Sweden where people are extremely well conversant in English, they still value being able to see the content that's relevant, say to their engineers in Swedish.

And that's what we did with. Into tech. For instance, in Sweden, there is a fully fledged Swedish language side that's not just like a, a landing page, and it goes into all English. It's also about communicating respect right to the local country players and how the food that you put forward, it's very, very, very important to show that you mean to be in that business rather than, oh, this is just happens to be one of our, you know, outposts Then,

Wendy: Right.

No, I think that that's, that's a very good insight on that. That's fascinating. You talked before about, , when you were launching a global website in Shanghai. Do you remember that conversation? Can you tell us about that?

Jasmine: Oh, absolutely. That was a very [00:22:00] interesting point and I talked about how people can sometimes when there is lack of.

Cooperation if you have not explained the why to somebody. I think in this particular case, we arrived in Shanghai, and I'm not gonna name names or the company, but the people were not exactly very excited about having a. Website, a new website done because they believed that everything was under control.

And in China there are different rules, right? You have to have your content hosted on servers in China, and we've done all the research. So the local counterparts, excuse was, there was not big enough conference rooms to work. And thankfully I was staying at the Kaminsky Hotel and had actually spoken the night before with the hotel manager.

And I said, well, I have connections, which was really funny cause I've been on that trip, it was like my second day in Shanghai and so I'd been to [00:23:00] Shanghai before a number of times, but, so I'm like, I have connections in the hotel and they're like, oh, you can't, you have to book in advance. I'm like, the manager of the hotel will help us.

And he did, and he, we took that excuse away. So now they had to collaborate, but it was about building the trust and also showing the dedication. When we dug deeper into it, it was really about trust. In the past, they had not felt supported. They thought this would be another flavor of the month idea. And then it would go away.

But that site was ultimately launched and was a success. So do not give up and, you know, know how to counter local resistance in subtle ways.

Wendy: You had other examples of resistance and how you've countered them because you've worked all over the place. Oh,

Jasmine: I had a situation where I can't even replicate.

It was dealt with France. [00:24:00] And we were all like booked on this trip to start launching the process of the French side, to get everybody on board to get it done, and there was somebody from UK who wanted to be in France and nobody really wanted that person there. And that person was going to be, it was this big conflict for no good reason.

And I remember being told Jasmine, whatever you do find a solution was really hard cuz you can't exclude anybody. And my solution was that we would have that person still arrive, but then we would only do dinner with the person and the friend said, well Jasmine, that should work because we can't say no to breaking bread together.

So here was this very high tech complex situation and it came down to breaking bread together. That's a wonderful solution and we were able to resolve the situation and the person was like very, how do I say this? Really smart, accomplished person, but who [00:25:00] could really be granular to the level that really grd on people's nerves.

So the French organizer of the events at. You are the one who's gonna sit next to this person at dinner. That's like, and I did, and, but in the end it all worked out.

Wendy: So both in the story of. Shanghai and in the French story you have a deep understanding of cultures and how they work. I mean, you knew to say that, oh, I have connections even though you've been there, and that's something that's very important to in Chinese culture. And then the, the, in, in the France situation, you knew that breaking bread was very important, so, How do you develop that?

Like how did you develop it and what recommendations do you have for people on developing it when they have to work across cultures and they might not have that [00:26:00] insight.

Jasmine: I'm deeply curious about the world and cultures. Cultures fascinate me. I think we all lose perspective sometimes when we're not exposed enough because there's always an alternative way of achieving something, and different cultures will go about it in different ways.

And I'd like to think that I learned a little bit from everyone. And I try to really bring that into daily life. And as a reminder, right, that there is possibly an alternative solution. I will usually say that I'm not beholden to the tyranny of, or in our society we are actually. We grow up with the tyranny of war because usually it's this dichotomy, either or you do this or that.

Women in particular, for instance, are told that you can either be a good executive or a good mother and family person and wife. It doesn't have to be that way. You can do both really well. So there is always the third option. So my [00:27:00] curiosity about other cultures is also fed by the desire to always find that possible third option, third solution.

And that makes a world of difference. Also, if you're curious about a culture and when people sense that you are genuinely interested in them, you want to learn more about them, they will actually do wonders for you. So to me, all my international collaboration has been super successful, partly because I've come from a point of respect, admiration, and curiosity.

And when people sense that they will absolutely try to facilitate the outcomes for you as opposed to a command and control thing. Because I said so, I mean, any parent knows that doesn't quite work. But somehow people do it in the workplace and especially across country borders. That's not going to work.


Wendy: That is, I, I, I like starred that all over your quote of not behold, beholden to the tyranny of [00:28:00] war and that there's always another option. It's operating in that great zone. I love, I love how you said that. Thank you so much. Thank you. We are, we are running out of time and I think you know that when I get towards the end, I always ask somebody what their favorite foreign word is.

So I gotta ask, and it's from wait, and I'm asking somebody who speaks Armenian, Russian, English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German. So foreign is loosely defined here to any language. Uh oh.

Jasmine: There are so many favorite words I could say, but I'll go with the German shot in for you. Yeah, because it's an entire concept, philosophy and paragraphs folded into a single word, and it's, let's see if I can see that briefly.

So it's being happy [00:29:00] at somebody's misfortune, but that misfortune is really well deserved and was a payback. Ah, okay.

Wendy: I've never heard that qualifying part after that. I just thought it was happy at someone's misfortune and it sounded negative,


Jasmine: I that, no, it's not negative. So if it's shot or for, it was actually well-deserved punishment, in essence.

Wendy: Okay. So they, they kind of, they got what was due to them.

Jasmine: And they, they, they must have done something and it's like very philosophical, so it came back to haunt them. That's the whole concept. Otherwise, it would be very evil and mean to be happy at somebody's misfortune. But they brought it on onto themselves and there was payback.

And so it's very like complex and nuanced and I think largely misunderstood as even you are indicating what.

Wendy: Yes. Yes. Well, and I read recently [00:30:00] that they're, they're trying to come up with a word or they have one that's Freud and Freud. So happy for somebody's good fortune.

Jasmine: That would be a good word, wouldn't it?

Yeah. And, and, and frankly, you know, I, I personally believe that, you know, you know, they say you know who your friends are when you are in hour of need. I would counter that you really know who your friends are. Your hour of happiness.

Wendy: Yes, that's true. Who can you really go to and share the really mm-hmm.

Really good news that you get. That is so true. Huh? So this has been absolutely delightful. So share some good news with us or share some final recommendations for people thinking about getting into, or that are doing global marketing.

Jasmine: You know what? Stay curious. If you are in global marketing, start with culture.

I don't wanna repeat myself, but I have to curious, curious, curious. Be curious about [00:31:00] the people you are meeting. Ask questions. Don't hesitate to ask for help. Be humble if you don't understand something, say so. Remember one thing though, fundamentally, people across borders, cultures are more alike than different.

So view them as humans and do not say phrases that are very impersonal, like, oh, the overseas team, you know? Mm. Call them by whatever the culture, the name, just personalize and be, be very curious. I'm repeating the word curious on this, but curiosity in international marketing goes a long way. I recently, I was interviewing somebody for a different role in my people ops role and the person had done some marketing in the UK and you know, I worked at a British company and have spent a lot of.

Time, you know, looking at how you position in the UK versus in the us and the person came out and said, [00:32:00] well, there isn't any difference. They don't mind the American English version of it. They, they don't care at all. They're fine. So, but if you go and ask the person the question, oh, are you okay with American to your face, they're gonna say yes.

That doesn't mean that you found the correct answer. Right. And whereas we knew as much our research showed that the Brits were very apprehensive about seeing American English spelling on pages, especially when the service was delivered in Britain. So we're very intentional, for instance, then on intertech.com single English language website to make sure that the services that were delivered primarily in the UK and were delivered in the uk, that they had British English spelling.

Services that were delivered in the US and were targeting the US audience. They had American English spelling.

Wendy: It is, you know, people laugh when I tell 'em that, oh yeah, Rapport International, we do translation from [00:33:00] British English to American English, or vice versa. And they're like, what? It's English, but there's so many different spellings and different word choices and type of humor the way you come at it.

So that's a really good point.

Jasmine: It's little things. I mean quite literally, I was in London, UK yesterday and flew back in. So the third, the word, excuse me, if you ask somebody, excuse me, in the US you are asking them to yield so you can pass through. You won't get the same reaction. In the uk it's more like, pardon?

Pardon me. Th those are little things that make a difference. So how can they not have an impact on a bigger scale? Yes.

Wendy: Yes. Well, where can people reach you or find you if they wanna learn

Jasmine: more? Well they can find me on LinkedIn under my name Jasmine Martirossian. I'm very LinkedIn friendly and they can message me there.

Our my email at Mercury is jasmine m ship [00:34:00] mercury.com, so I'm always happy to answer any questions anybody might have.

Wendy: Thank you. That's with your role. I'm sure you keep very busy though, so to share your email, I really appreciate that and your offer to help anybody. And we'll put a link to Jasmine's LinkedIn on the show notes.

So if you wanna go there, you can click on that and find her. Thank you so much.

Jasmine: Thank you Wendy. Appreciate the opportunity. Nice chatting with you.

Wendy: Okay. And listeners, if you enjoyed this episode as much as I did, give it a five star and share it with somebody that might be interested in doing this.

Remember that less than 1% of US companies export and those that do do better across. All variables that the Department of Commerce measures share this episode so people can learn how to get this valuable information from people like Jasmine. Thanks so much and we'll talk to you next

Jasmine: time.


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