Optimize your Website to Drive INBOUND Global Sales

How do you make your website standout among the competition? And how do you do that on a global scale?

If you’re a small company selling mainly domestically, thinking about optimizing your website and translating it for a global audience seems complex.  Yet, there is no better way to stand out and grow your business than bringing your goods and services to a new market - in their language.

marketing content pricing

Others are selling online successfully, and you can too!

The four elements to online success include:

  1. Write in Global English
  2. Accurately translate your message into the correct language
  3. Optimize SEO for each market or country
  4. Engage your audience with updated digital content consistently

To accomplish these goals, you would typically need to find and hire multiple vendors. Yet taking this approach, you run the risk that they will not work together seamlessly.

As Gold Medalists in Multilingual Marketing Translation – we make the pieces work together so you meet your goals.

Our “build your own” approach allows you to mix and match the packages and levels to meet your needs and your budget.

Choose from:

  • English Language Website Update and/or Global English Content Writing
  • Website Translation
  • Digital Content Translation
  • Global SEO

In addition, we will explain how you can apply for a STEP Grant to support your efforts.

Take a look - For a free consult, contact us today! We are happy to help with your strategy and goals.

Why export?

And why not just have an English website?

Isn’t English the official language of the internet?

May 2024 website langaguages on internet

Good questions!

First, you should think about exporting because there are 7.8 billion people in the world, and only 328 million of them live in the United States. That leaves a potential global audience of about 7.5 billion people!

Now let’s talk about internet users and their preferences.

English speakers on the internet number over 1 billion. That includes native speakers plus those who speak English as a second language. Yet, research shows that consumers are much more likely to buy goods and services (and PAY MORE) when the website is translated into their native language. Yet most websites are still only provided in English!

Check out these stats:

  • 90% of consumers haven’t made their mind up about a brand before starting to research options
  • 1% of consumers spend most or ALL of their time on websites in their own language
  • 42% of Europeans say they won't purchase a product that is not presented in their native language
  • and 56.2% said they are willing to PAY MORE if the company provides information in their own languages!

Get ahead of your competition - export and translate!

Pricing Packages Available for Exporters

Packages can be mixed and matched at any price levels to meet your needs.

Custom packages available for each category, contact us for more information.

English Services

Website Updates and Writing

Starting at


  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 100% On-Time Delivery Record
  • People First Communications
  • Cultural Adaptation
  • Free Project Consulting
  • Project Management Fees
  • Quality Control
  • Website Updates
  • Keyword Optimization
  • SEO Optimization
Website Translation

Localization & DTP

Starting at


  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 100% On-Time Delivery Record
  • People First Communications
  • Cultural Adaptation
  • Free Project Consulting
  • Project Management Fees
  • Quality Control
  • Website Translation & Localization
  • Keyword Adaptation
  • Foreign Language DTP
Digital Content

Translation & Localization

Starting at


  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 100% On-Time Delivery Record
  • People First Communications
  • Cultural Adaptation
  • Free Project Consulting
  • Project Management Fees
  • Quality Control
  • Blogs
  • White Papers
  • Downloadable Content
  • Social Posts
Global SEO Review

Strategic Analysis

Starting at


  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 100% On-Time Delivery Record
  • People First Communications
  • Cultural Adaptation
  • Free Project Consulting
  • Project Management Fees
  • Quality Control
  • Global Marketing Strategy
  • Keyword Adaptation
  • Global SEO Analysis
  • Brand Localization & Adaptation
  • DEI Consulting


Speak with one of our experts to decide what package or combination of packages may be right for you!